Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Case Study: Japan,Tokyo Earthquake 2005

Japan, Tokyo Earthquake 2005

As you know that earthquake can now occur everywhere on the planet and could happen every minute. The earth's plates never stop moving, because the convection current of the earth. Both upward and downward movement of rocks inside which made the plates move.(“How do plates move?”) Earthquakes happens because of movement in the earth crust and this is why earthquakes happen along the globe.

Earthquakes is measure by a Richter scale. It have a range of 1 to 10 magnitude. If the earthquake have a magitude of 3.5 and below,(Louie) it would not have any effect, but if it more than that, it could cause damage to the surroundings.

Japan is a country located in East-Asia. Its located in the pacific ocean and it's next to China and Korea. The country is filled with mountains and are not suitable for any agriculture. The country is risk of climate changes and landslides which is caused by earthquake. the country is located on the "Pacific Ring of Fire." It's the connection between three plate tectonics, which earthquakes would happen occasionally.

An earthquake had hit Tokyo, Japan in August 15, 2005 at 11:46 am. It had a magnitude of 7.2 and can be felt to Miyagi perfecture. All of the northern Japan can be felt by the earthquake. The earthquake epicentre is about 12.4 miles below the ocean off the coast of Miyagi perfecture. The quake also created a tsunami which hit the coastline but is only a few centimeters high which had no affect at all. None of the after shock are reported after the eartquake hit

The earthquake shooks building in Tokyo, which is about 180 miles away from the epicentre. It collapse building and roof in Miyagi perfecture. Reports stated that there are no deaths but about 80 are injured badly. Trains are closed down and also three nuclear power stations were shut down for safety. Flights were canceled for safety precautions

The earthquake cause several severe damage but Japan is extremely prepared for the earthquake. If the same magnitude happem someplace else, severe damage happen. Also if the same quake happen elsewhere, it would been deadly. Earthquakes happen a lot in Japan. The country is prepare for earthquakes and would less be at risk for having destruction in the country.

